Success α Convincing Ability

Day in and Day out one cannot live without this ability, in fact it is a skill. Right from waking up, to sleep. One has to either convince himself or others. In corporate, a part of it is called “Selling Skills”.

As we cannot live without this skill, “why not master it?

When you are about to wake up from bed, one part of you tries to convince the other part. One part says “Let’s sleep more” while the other part says “Let’s get up and get to work”. Whichever the part could convince other part will get the cake.

From there onwards, the whole day passes with these types of situations of convincing either yourself or others.

A child either gets his pocket money from his dad, if he could convince him or else he will get a nice BPL.

A subordinate has to convince his boss for his increment or leave or else he also will get a BPL.

In a sales transaction, one should possess these convincing skills to crack the deal in his favour. If not, there is a large scale, where he may get his deal at any level (may not be beneficial)

A house wife for jewellery or a loanee for the loan, take any area of life, one has to convince.

When it is ruling our life, peace, happiness, career growth, and money too, why not master the SKILL. watch these videos  (convincing skills impact)  (convincing skills in suman TV)

With the 20+ years of  training experience  in corporate world, an internationally certified in NLP & LOA, Mr. Raajh Shekhar offers a

 Two days experiential intensive workshop
 CONVINCING SUTRAS - why to convince On  16 &17th March  2019, Offers you these time tested, sure fire scientific techniques.

Who can attend?
Business owners, Freelance Marketing / Sales Associates, Insurance advisors,  Network Marketing People, Real Estate Sales Professionals, Home based business owners, Sales Professionals, Entrepreneurs, House wives, ambitious to escalate in career and those who want to start venture / businesses soon, in fact any human being who deals with fellow human beings

This workshop is for the people who are looking for a BREAK THROUGH and seeking UNLIMITED SUCCESS in life.

Techniques you learn….
Ø Understanding the other’s Language.
Ø Knowing the right vocabulary to convince the person
Ø Read the other’s Mind
Ø Read the other’s Body Language
Ø Grasp the priorities of other person.
Ø Elicit the Meta Program of the person.
Ø Differentiate between truth and lie through his eyes
Ø Develop instant Rapport
Ø Create instant Trust
Ø Pacing the other person
Ø Leading the customer to close the deal in your way.
Ø Convince the customer
Ø Motivate customer to take action
Ø Closing the Sale
Ø Sure shot formula for success always.
Ø And many more……

The workshop is very practical, and effective
You will get right down to work on the nuts and bolts of your situation, and learn practical techniques to change your success rate. After the workshop, you will be in a whole new place
How you READ, DEVELOP INSTANT RAPPORT and CONVINCE your customer: in all circumstances will be improved instantly. You will experience less anxiety – and more freedom!


 16th Jan Saturday & 17th Jan Sunday, March  2019
Time: 9.00am to 6.00pm
